GOXAWEE Tool is the source for hard-to-find mini tools for DIY crafts and hobbies. We take great pride in providing the best service in North America. Whether you are a professional craftsman, a robot builder, or a model building hobbyist who requires precision small tools and micro tools, GOXAWEE Tool can help.
480Pcs Rotary Tool Accessories Kit for Easy Grinding, Sanding, Sharpening
We are a specialized manufacturing industry aimed at designing and producing highest quality expert tools made with specialized materials to offer seamless Tooling Process. We reckon the fact that large tool kits are often quality compromised and we also reckon that our customers have diverse tooling needs. Therefore, we have brought one of the richest rotary tool accessories kit for all your needs. The accessories kit is best for engineers, technicians, plumbers, carpenters, craftsmen, silversmith, goldsmith, DIY enthusiasts and all technically geeks. Also, the rotary tool accessories kit is equally good for your home applications and Professional requirements.
480 Pieces Multi-Purpose Accessory Set with 1/8" shank meets for your all needs
Grinding/ Sharpening: Alumimum oxide grinding wheels for cleaning, de-burring, grinding and polishing. Flat head cylindrical, bullet tip type abrasive stone for grinding & sharpening metal.
Carving Bit: Diamond burr bit, carbide and HSS cutters for fine detail work on jade, ceramic, glass, wood, hardened steel, cast iron, stainless steel, ceramics, soft steel, soft metals, plastics, fiberglass and wood.
Cutting Wheel Set: Diamond cutter for jade/stone, glass, brick/marble. Cut off wheels for slicing and cutting most non ferrous metals, wood and plastic.
Cleaning: Bristle brush wheel for light de-burring, cleaning and polishing of silverware and jewelry. Stainless steel and brass brush wheels for removing rust, corrosion, and for polishing metals and cleaning electrical components.
Sanding & Polishing: Wool felt wheel are ideal for polishing and buffing on plastics, metals, jewelry and other small parts. Sanding drums is suitable for rough shaping and smoothing wood and fiberglass.
Drilling Bit: HSS twist drill bits for drilling holes in metals, plastics, fiberglass and wood.O
Others: Whet stone for cleaning grinding wheels.
Get our 480Pcs rotary tool accessories kit, Have fun!
Carpentry: Design and create wooden art and pieces of furniture.
Polishing: Conveniently polish anything from jewelry to balcony railing, windows & mechanical parts.
Grinding: Create light weight metallic and acrylic components to make your own fixtures at home.
Engraving: Engrave your name or signatures on your doors, name plate, wooden panels to create interesting designs.
Drilling: Drill anywhere in concrete wall, wooden panels, furniture to add nails to hang art.